We hope the dust will now settle on misinformation that’s been shared about the Cass Review since its publication on April 10. However some of that misinformation has already spread from social media to mainstream outlets. We’ve compiled a short but sound list which should give you everything you need when faced with these claims in scripts or from contributors, or in any Cass or gender story follow up. Remember one claim about cherrypicked studies was made by a contributor talking about their ‘lived experience’ on the BBC - these allegations can pop up any time and you need to be ready.
The Cass Review in full, published April 10 2024. It’s nearly 400 pages so it’s inevitable that many journalists covering it won’t have read it and will be dependent on secondary sources. Here are two summaries from UK broadsheets - both published before claims were made seeking to undermine the quality of the Review.
Dr Cass herself has now spoken out to quash the claims, 20 April 2024.
The British Medical Journal: editorial by the Editor in Chief Kamran Abbasi
Final clarifications on the Cass Review published April 26
BBC More or Less (12 minute listen)
Benjamin Ryan: Health and science reporter who has written for the New York Times, NBC News, The Guardian, the New York Sun, the Washington Post and the Atlantic
Andy Lewis: Quackbuster critical thinking and science website
Some of the debunks are almost as complex and weighty as the report itself. However all the misinformation has been addressed, and it may be that these resources can be sent to health/gender/identity correspondents or to commissioning editors and presenters, if you feel that the Cass Review is in danger of being misrepresented.
Thank you for this.
Canadian here, so up to the elbows in garbage disinformation about the Cass review….
I’ve seen something making the rounds, I think touted by Erin Reed, that Dr. Cass “walked back” the recommendations in the review when speaking to the Kite Trust? But then refused to “stand behind” the review?
I was trying to get to the bottom of it and then gave up…
I’m realizing that’s how this whole game works. TRAs take a tiny thing, distort it and put it on blast and then say, this went unanswered, to suggest bigger flaws or a grand conspiracy.
It’s maddening and exhausting. Which is guess is the point.
Thanks again. And be glad you’re not in Canada, where the national broadcaster published this