Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by SEENinJournalism

When George Orwell invented "NewSpeak" he thought he was satirising the Soviet Union. It was intended as a warning, not an instruction manual.

Next, please do the politician's sudden flip, in the last couple of weeks before the election, from "single-sex spaces" to "safe spaces", which at a stroke destroys our ability to fight for single-sex spaces. Because a safe space is for anyone who says they need it.

Its almost as if Labour said to the handmaidens "we'll give you "Biological women" and you give us "safe spaces" ...isn't it?

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Jun 30Liked by SEENinJournalism

You noticed that, did you? Yes, Labour changed from single sexed spaces to safe spaces for everyone. I do hope more women realise what’s going on before it’s too late

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I spoke about this at Reformers Tree today, at 15:20 you will enjoy this:


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“If you’re a Labour supporter, what are you doing here if you are”. Love it. You hit the nail on the head. Language is important and Labour is being weasely in changing it. I was expecting it so wasn’t surprised but it will go unnoticed. I just hope the message JK Rowling sent will hit home to more women.

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Obviously I am grateful to JKR, but be warned. It's amazing what a Labour Life-Peerage dangled in front of someone's nose will do. Just saying.

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Cheers. I will watch it now

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by SEENinJournalism

It would be bad enough if they were just randomly re-defining words and making it difficult to keep up with the new meanings. For example, if shoe suddenly meant juicy round fruit with red skin, and if a new word, plink, meant to recline one’s body (what used to be “lying down”), that would be annoying

However, by attaching new, but somewhat related meanings, they blur the meaning and allow for misinterpretation and manipulation of the language and of everything that flows from it. A “woman” is now both a biological category and an undefinable state of mind (“feeling like a woman”) - so who knows what “woman” means!?

Of course, it makes no sense to divide prisons or changing rooms or sports on that amorphous state of mind, but one would have to be thinking rationally to realize that!

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Jun 30Liked by SEENinJournalism

I am not a biological woman, nor am I a cis woman (whatever the hell that is!). I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!

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Jul 1Liked by SEENinJournalism

Excellent article, utterly logical and devastating. I don’t have a right hand and a trans-right hand.

Woman is an established word, and category of being, as is man. The categories are eternally mutually exclusive, like clockwise and counterclockwise, left and right, positive and negative, hence binary. They don’t require a qualifier, which is what I’ll take from your article here on out, I felt a click go in my mind reading it, I learned.

I dislike being called “cis” anything, and the feeling is enormously clarified. There is no cis woman, as there is no cis positive, one doesn’t say “trans clockwise” or “biological left”.

Cis and trans from my chemistry training only have to do with orientation of chemical groups on either the same side of a plane through the molecule, or different sides.

These words cis and trans have no more meaning applied to humans than anti-, iso-, syn-, eu-, or any of a number of nonsense combinations of Latin or Greek prefixes or suffixes, or perhaps words like ghost-, fictive-, deemed-, putative-, meta-.

I don’t have a right hand and a trans-right hand. I could be deluded, believing my left hand was a right hand, but it doesn’t make it a right hand.

It enormously clarifies an old line of thought I had.

Made my month. Thanks!

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It makes me sad and nauseous in equal measure. I'm losing entire respect for people I know, on a daily basis, due to their unwillingness to take all this as seriously as it needs to be taken. And I didn't have a surplus of friends left after Australia voted to not give Australian Aboriginals a Voice and I had to ditch the NO voters.

This is so, so much worse.

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Jun 30Liked by SEENinJournalism

This article is disturbing, that’s first and foremost, but I must admit that it is linguistically and historically fascinating.

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And fittingly it is men.posturing as trans women who have driven real women out. It's still a guy thing as they didn't check their dick heads at the trans door.

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And yet women will still vote for Labour next week.

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I know! You couldn’t make it up!

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Because they don’t know about it, because the broadcast media only mention one side of the issue in glowing terms and portray any attempt at debate as a “culture war” and not worthy of attention.

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